STUDIO HORIZON is a professional photography and videography studio located in Chai Wan, Hong Kong.

consistently excellent.

STUDIO HORIZON was founded in 2018 by two young photographers - Yuet Li and Calum Lau. The Hong Kong based creative studio is under CALLI HORIZON LIMITED. 1,500 ft2 large studio located in Chai Wan, our major disciplines including photography, video production, and creative writing. Studio are available for rent for multiple purposes.

STUDIO HORIZON 於 2018 年由年輕攝影師李玥及劉嘉承成立,為 CALLI HORIZON LIMITED 屬下工作室,位於柴灣的工作室佔地約1,500呎,從事攝影、短片製作、文字編輯等工作,工作室亦可出租作各種用途。